Thursday, October 24, 2019

[REVIEW ANIME] Stand My Heroes – Piece of Truth

Jadi cerita awalnya sih gini. Sekumpulan cowo2 ganteng langsung menarik perhatian gue saat lagi browsing Pinterest. Setelah me-research, ternyata mereka ini berasal dari sebuah mobile game berjudul Stand My Heroes—semacem puzzle game merangkap otome game kaya 100 Yume Prince-somting (sumpah gue lupa judulnya). In case you dunno, puzzle game disini tu kaya Candy Crush gitu.

Friday, September 27, 2019

8 Ksatria Meja Bundar yang Mungkin Belum Pernah Kalian Denger

Hola hola, minna-san!! Mon maap sebesar2nya atas absen kami berempat di blog ini. Makin tua itu yang namanya kehidupan makin bikin kita sibuk dengan urusan masing2 sampe udah ga kepikiran lagi buat nulis disini.

But I still want to write something. Therefore~~~ kali ini gue mau membagikan cerita tentang beberapa Ksatria Meja Bundar (KMB) atau yang nama kerennya adalah Knights of the Round Table—yang mana terkenal sebagai pengikut Raja Arthur. Gue uda pernah ngebahas tentang Raja Arthur disini (ada juga podcast-nya, bisa kalian denger disini).

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Point of View : A Perfect Sidekick

Selamat berjumpa kembali di blog paling bapuk di galaksi ini!
Jujur bukanya kami males nulis artikel lagi tapi pada kenyataannya kami sampe lupa punya blog.
*dilempar botol air mineral*

Kalo emang ada yang nanya gimana kabar kami para Ranger, jawabannya ada pada lirik pertama lagu Breakeven-nya The Script: "I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing."

Ehe :)

The secret of happiness is simple: Be grateful.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Back to Ex - Yay or Nay?

S writing. It’s nice to be back :)

Reflecting on how rare I write for this blog, I admit my nickname suits me ONLY in this area.

This time, I want to share about one recent, interesting occurrence that got me thinking about many different things.

I met with my ex BF after 7 years. Oh yes, I did :)

In short, it was on my birthday that he sent me a message wishing me a happy birthday. He was asking my whereabouts (I am currently living in Bali), and it happened that he was on holiday with his family here. He asked me out and I said yes.

At first I was not so sure – should I really go and see him? I’ve heard people said that there is no use to meet our ex, it will not bring us any good, and moreover, there is a saying that people who stay friends with their ex(es) are psychopaths – google it, there are research about it. Besides, it will be soooo awkward. You know, meeting someone you once loved in a different condition can be disastrous – it may result in disagreements, relationship that has gone cold, uncomfortable feelings to see how much he/she has changed, or…

Sparking out an old love. Wait – is this a disaster?

I can’t really say the last one happened to me, although there is a possibility for it. Meeting my ex turned out to be an interesting experience. I decided to see him because I wondered – how would it feel to see him again? What would my responses be? What would be his? How much changes had happened in both of us in these 7 years? Am I still having “a thing” for him, or have I completely moved on?

Agree? Disagree?
What if the book is in series - same characters going through changes and maybe, just maybe, the chances to be together are still there?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Random Thought

Awesome is coming to toowwwnn ~

Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam (tergantung kapan kalian baca tulisan ini) semuaaaa!

Seperti biasa waktu luang gue dihabiskan untuk mengisi kegiatan-kegiatan produktif nan imajinatif. 

Ya. Bengong.